Savannah woman wakes up to car severely damaged by unknown animal

ByBria Bolden

Published:Sep. 10, 2021 at 10:52 PM EDT

SAVANNAH, Ga. (WTOC) - A car, ripped apart. The attack, costing what could be thousands of dollars worth of damage. The question now is who, or what, is responsible?

Ruth Teasley lives on West 46th Street in Savannah. She says she woke up on September 2 and found the wheel wells, wires and moreripped from her car.

She told WTOC she bought the car just a few months ago, and could not believe her eyes when she woke up and saw that the front of her car was severely damaged in her own driveway.

“It is something that most people said they had not seen before,” said Savannah resident Ruth Teasley.

Teasley believes a stray dog she and other neighbors have seen roaming the area caused the damage to her car.

“About 1 AM that morning, I heard a loud bark of a dog,” said Teasley. “I would not come out because I was afraid to come out. But when I came out the next morning. I saw where the dog had destroyed my car.”

Both of Teasley’s wheel wells at the front of her car were ripped off. You can also see teeth marks, scratches and paw prints on the hood of the car.

Teasley reported the damage to Chatham County Animal Services and Savannah Police.

Chatham County Animal Services Director Dr. Jake Harper says they patrolled the neighborhood for stray dogs after Teasley’s call.

“The only thing that really makes any sense is that there was something in the wheel well that something else was going after and that is what the result was,” said. Chatham County Animal Services Director Dr. Jake Harper. “I have not had any reports of dogs attacking cars. It is kind of new to me.”

However, Dr. Harper says they are not sure a dog caused the damage.

Teasley says she wanted to share her story to protect her neighbors and prevent something like this from happening to someone else.

“If this could happen to a car, what could it do to a person, a child at least?” said Teasley.

Teasley’s car is being repaired.

Savannah Police were unable to find video of the incident. The police report says an officer saw scratches, bite marks, and animal paw prints on Teasley’s car.

Teasley says she would also like to see Animal Services come back to her neighborhood to look for stray dogs her and neighbors have seen.

Copyright 2021 WTOC. All rights reserved.

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