SPD investigate hit and run by someone identifying as Chatham Co BOE member

ByWTOC Staff|January 8, 2021 at 4:23 PM EST - Updated January 8 at 4:23 PM

SAVANNAH, Ga. (WTOC) - Allegations of a hit and run by someone identifying themselves as being a Chatham County Board of Elections member are being investigated by Savannah Police.

According to a police report, officers responded around 5 p.m. Tuesday night to Orleans Square, which is near the Savannah Civic Center.

A woman with Latinos for Black Votes told a responding officer she was waiting on a food truck to pull up in spaces they had reserved through the City for the day.

At some point a woman pulled up trying to park in one of the spaces. According to the victim in the police report, that driver identified herself as Linda, a Board of Elections member.

According to the victim, she told the driver the spaces were reserved and then stepped into the space to keep the driver from taking it.

At that point, the victim told police the driver angrily jerked the car forward, hitting her in the legs.

According to the crash report, the victim described the driver to police as a middle aged woman with shoulder length blonde hair.

We checked in with Board of Elections member Malinda Hodge Tuesday night, who said she’d been made aware of the incident, and had this to say.

“The word that comes to mind for me is unconscionable. I don’t, I’m not sure what happened. I’m hoping things have not happened the way that they have been presented to me. Because if so, that’s absolutely egregious that someone would identify themselves as me after having done something like that,” said Hodge.

No word on if any charges have been filed in the incident.

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Photo: WTOC

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