St. Joseph’s Candler offering free mammograms Tuesday for uninsured women

The Chatham County Health Department’s Breast and Cervical Cancer Program has partnered with the St. Joseph’s/Candler Mobile Mammography Program to offer free mammograms for uninsured women who meet age and income criteria.

The free mammograms are offered by appointment only from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Tuesday, January 26th, at the Chatham County Health Department located at 1395 Eisenhower Drive in Savannah.

Women who meet certain annual income guidelines and are 40-64 years of age without insurance will be eligible to receive a screening mammogram at no cost.

Face coverings required. To make an appointment, call 912-356-2946.

For more information on theBreast and Cervical Cancer Program, go to

Photo: Getty Images

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