LIST: Area cities, towns with face mask mandates

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ByWTOC Staff|June 30, 2020 at 12:50 PM EDT - Updated July 17 at 6:00 AM

SAVANNAH, Ga. (WTOC) - Many cities and towns are now calling for face mask ordinances as COVID-19 cases surge across the U.S.

Here is a list of where face mask mandates have passed in the WTOC Viewing Area:

*EDIT: Georgia Governor Brian Kemp issued an executive order July 15 that banned mask mandates on the local level in Georgia. The mask orders in South Carolina cities are still in effect.

Coastal Georgia

TheCity of Guytonpassed a mask mandate on 7/16. It requires everyone who is in any public building, within the city limits, to wear a face-covering over their mouths and noses.READ MORE

TheCity of Hinesvillehas approved an emergency mask order. The order will go into effect on Saturday, July 11, 2020, at 8 a.m. Masks must be worn inside buildings that are open to the public, and outside where social distancing isn’t possible.READ MORE

City of SavannahMayor Van Johnson signed an emergency order requiring individuals to wear a face mask in public spaces. The emergency order goes into effect Wednesday, July 1, 2020, at 8 a.m. and will remain in effect until further notice.READ MORE

South Carolina Lowcountry

TheCity of Beaufortunanimously passed an ordinance that will require face covers for anyone entering a public building within city limits. If you are eating or drinking or have a medical issue, you do not have to wear a mask. The ordinance will go into effect at 11:59 p.m. on Tuesday, June 30, and will last for at least 30 days.READ MORE

TheTown of Blufftonvoted to enforce an ordinance that makes masks mandatory in certain public settings. The order takes effect Wednesday, July 1 at noon.READ MORE

TheTown of Hilton Head Islandvoted on a mandate to require face masks in public. The mandate goes into effect just before midnight on Tuesday, June 30.READ MORE

TheTown of Port Royalunanimously passed an ordinance to require masks in all buildings open to the public. The ordinance will go into effect at 8 a.m. on Thursday, July 2.READ MORE

TheTown of Yemasseepassed an order requiring face coverings. The order is in effect as of noon on Wednesday, July 15.READ MORE

Beaufort County Councilpassed the emergency ordinance requiring face coverings in certain places where people won’t be able to social distance in the unincorporated areas. It will go into effect on Friday, July 3 at 11:59 p.m.READ MORE

Info from Florida Atlanta University:

“Researchers fromFlorida Atlantic University’sCollege of Engineering and Computer Scienceconducted an experiment using flow visualization to demonstrate how far a cough travels and how long it lingers in the air. Flow visualization is a method that enables flow patterns, such as a stream of particles from a cough, to become visible in fluids like air and water since they are transparent. Various techniques using flow visualization make these patterns visible to the naked eye.

In a laboratory setting, the researchers were able to visually demonstrate a mechanically emulated cough/sneeze jet from an orifice representing the mouth and the associated particle-laden airflow using a mannequin and other props.


Photo: Getty Images

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