Unemployment impacts Savannah businesses

Job Growth Spurs Drop In Unemployment Rate To 4.7 Percent

ByKristen RaryandWTOC Staff|July 9, 2020 at 6:52 AM EDT - Updated July 9 at 7:11 AM

SAVANNAH, Ga. (WTOC) - Employers are looking for workers after massive spikes in unemployment earlier this year.

Unemployment rates in Savannah are improving after massive losses due to COVID-19.

The Savannah Area Chamber of Commerce says there are more job opportunities in Savannah for qualified workers than before COVID-19 hit due to furloughed workers not returning to their original positions.

From March to April, the Savannah Metro area lost nearly 25,000 jobs, according to the Georgia Department of Labor. In May of this year, there were 20,000 fewer jobs than there were in May of last year. But, the Savannah chamber says things are looking up. As unemployment benefits end this month, more people will be re-entering the workforce looking for jobs that fit their skill level.

“I think there are lots of job opportunities. And there were before. One of the biggest problems we had before the coronavirus was finding good, qualified employees. Now, there are lots of them out there because of the unfortunate furloughs. So, it is a matter of you can find things. Employers will train people so it’s all a matter of having a great work ethic, some education, and wanting to come to work, and I think there are lots of great opportunities,” said Bill Hubbard, CEO, Savannah Area Chamber.

Statewide, unemployment has dropped to 9% after peaking at 12% in April.

Photo: Getty Images

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