‘I Can’t Breathe Peace March’ walk Savannah demand justice for George Floyd

ByJake Wallace|May 29, 2020 at 10:58 PM EDT - Updated May 30 at 10:27 AM

SAVANNAH, Ga. (WTOC) - Friday, protesters wound through downtown Savannah for the “I Can’t Breathe Peace March."

“Every death is too many. We have had one too many deaths of black people at the hands of the police," said a protester.

Four days after the death of George Floyd, and hours after the arrest of Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin for Floyd’s death, the group made their way from Ellis Square, down Congress Street, to Bull Street, making their way to City Hall.

The entire way shouting and chanting their message against police brutality.

“I’m enraged. A lot of people are enraged. I think the message is loud and clear,” said protester Jordan Smith.

“I don’t even think it’s a question of if I can go or not. It’s that I’m black and this is my reality, so I’m going to show up for my people.”

Rico Gordon organized the informal march, saying he wasn’t sure what the turnout would be. But knew he wanted to march to be nothing but peaceful.

“Yes, we’re going to protest and everything. But we aren’t going to mess up our city. It’s beautiful here. We just want to show that we’re united down here," said Gordon.

Many marching said they didn’t hear of the plans until a few hours before they took off but said even on short notice, they weren’t missing it.

“I don’t even think it’s a question of if I can go or not. It’s that I’m black and this is my reality so I’m going to show up for my people,” said protester Asli Shebe.

Protesters stood in front of City Hall for nearly an hour. Many drove by honking in support. Gordon says he hopes the message of these marchers is heard.

“It’s heart aching when I have to talk to my son about this, when he’s only 10-11 years old. No, we shouldn’t have to talk about this. This has been going on too long.”

Photo: WTOC

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