New Netflix show filmed in Bulloch Co.

ByDal Cannady|July 1, 2020 at 5:46 PM EDT - Updated July 1 at 6:22 PM

BULLOCH COUNTY, Ga. (WTOC) - The owners and employees of a Bulloch County company could soon be household names when their reality show debuts on Netflix this weekend.

The guys at Battlbox aren’t sure if they’ll be the next Myth Busters or Duck Dynasty. But they hope they can set Netflix and the streaming world on fire like many of their videos.

The preview for “Southern Survival” sounds like an action-adventure movie. The team from Battlbox, a subscription box company, have done product videos for years and that helped get them on the radar of a production company.

“It’s an unscripted show, but they point us in the right direction a couple of times. None of us are actors or actresses, for that matter,” said Daniel Dabbs, CEO of Battlbox.

They filmed last year on their site in Bulloch County that included helicopters, explosions, all kinds of scenarios where just the right gadget could help you survive.

“You might use a product not in the way it was intended. If it survives that, you figure it will work the other way too, right? So we were like, ‘yeah lets do this,‘” said Brandon Currin, Vice President of Battlbox.

They take products through the paces and evaluate what works and what doesn’t, whether its fighting off wild animals or other disaster.

“We hope in a roundabout way people say ‘hey, those guys look like they’re having fun and they’re doing cool stuff.‘”

They hope it gets more people out enjoying the great outdoors, and to do it ready for anything.

All eight episodes debut on Netflix this Friday.

Photo: WTOC

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