Wild pigs wreaking havoc in Savannah neighborhood

Photo: Getty Images

BySam Bauman

Published:Nov. 8, 2021 at 3:00 PM EST

SAVANNAH, Ga. (WTOC) - Gerald Scott loves working in his yard.

“I’m retired now so I just spend a lot of time in my lawn and things of that nature.”

His lawn was one of the best in the Rice Mill neighborhood, that is, until last week.

“Monday morning, I woke up and I thought it was like a shadow but then I actually looked at it, and it was pig damage,” said Scott.

That’s right pigs, wild pigs.

While they may look harmless, they’ve caused some serious damage to many yards in the neighborhood.

“I’m looking at roughly, to redo it all over again, roughly two to three thousand dollars to do it all over again,” said Scott.

He says he tried calling everyone he could think of for help, “I even called my homeowners insurance to see if they’d cover it, but no one covers this.”

Although he’s frustrated about his lawn, he says safety is his main concern.

“If a small kid runs up and thinks one of the small piglets is something to play with that sow is going to attack them.”

In hopes of avoiding that Scott has hired a private trapper.

As for his lawn, well, it seems he’ll be spending a lot more time in it, believing the grass is greener on the other side.

“I mean I have to keep smiling because, it’s there, it’s not the end of the world. Life goes on.”

WTOC did reach out to the Georgia DNR who told us they simply don’t have the manpower to respond to every nuisance animal call but encourage you to still reach out and they can help connect you to a local trapper.

For more information clickhere.

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