Savannah prepares for busy Labor Day weekend

Photo: Getty Images

BySarah Winkelmann

Published:Sep. 3, 2021 at 4:48 AM EDT

SAVANNAH, Ga. (WTOC) - After a busy summer of visitors in Savannah, the city is gearing up for the last big holiday weekend of the summer season.

Visitors will start arriving Friday for the Labor Day holiday weekend and for the next three nights, Visit Savannah expects to see about 80-percent occupancy in hotels around the Coastal Empire.

These numbers are down from the Memorial Day and Fourth of July holidays, but that is typical for the Labor Day weekend.

President of Visit Savannah Joseph Marinelli says they have had some cancellations due to Covid concerns, but they have also had people recently add a trip to Savannah because they felt it was a safe outdoor destination.

With some hesitancy to travel with the delta variant, Visit Savannah is not sure just how big of an impact the virus will have on Labor Day this year.

“It’s the one thing that we can’t predict and we don’t know how it is going to play out but I think the city is ready, our hotels, restaurants, attractions, tours and so forth are all amped up, they have had a good summer, but we are ready for it and looking forward to a good weekend,” said Joseph Marinelli, Visit Savannah President.

Marinelli also said that the number of visitors have gone down in August, but that is pretty typical once the kids go back to school. Even with that, he says they might have had their best numbers on record this past August.

If you have plans to be downtown or out on Tybee Island this weekend, be prepared for some extra congestion with the increase of visitors in town.

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