Truck crashes into Hinesville home

ByMariah Congedo | Published:Jul. 11, 2021 at 9:13 PM EDT

HINESVILLE, Ga. (WTOC) - A family in Hinesville is shaken up after a truck rammed into their house on Pineland Avenue late Saturday night. The homeowner says she’s glad her family is okay, but it was a very close call.

“All of a sudden the kids start screaming ‘Oh my gosh, oh my gosh somebody crashed into the house!’” said homeowner Amanda Seltzer.

Seltzer didn’t want to go on camera, but she describes the moment this pickup truck crashed into her garage. She says she heard a very loud thud, but never expected it would’ve been what it was.

“My children were in the very front of the house, actually like two feet away from where he crashed into the garage,” she said.

The driver nearly hit Seltzer’s three children.

“That’s the only thing that kept them, was a brick wall between the truck and them,” she said.

Police say after the driver knocked down the garage door and bricks he backed up and drove off. A Good Samaritan who saw the accident followed closely behind down several roads and called police.

“By the time we came out he was already backing out, throwing dirt, gravel and took off,” Seltzer said.

Soon after, police located and arrested the driver. Seltzer says her truck and other equipment that were in the garage were also hit during the incident.

“What are we going to do? That’s our vehicles, that’s our livelihood, it’s our house, it’s our home,” she said.

Seltzer says they’re waiting to hear from the housing inspector to see if they’re able to safely stay in the house or if they’ll have to leave until it’s repaired.

“It’s just nuts. You don’t even know how to process something like this,” Seltzer said.

Luckily no one was hurt in the incident. Police say the driver is charged with refusing to take a sobriety test, as well as fleeing the scene of an accident.

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