Teenager’s lemonade stand gives proceeds to Alzheimer’s Association

ByDal Cannady | Published:Jun. 28, 2021 at 3:50 PM EDT

STATESBORO, Ga. (WTOC) - A young lady in Statesboro has taken the traditional lemonade stand and turned it into a big way to help senior adults with Alzheimer’s.

Most 12-year-olds want to spend the summer on the couch or in the shade. This young lady has taken a sweet idea on the road every Saturday.

Ava Mincey carries her passion for others everywhere, right along with her rolling lemonade stand.

“When COVID hit, I got bored and decided to turn to lemonade and donate my proceeds to the community,” Mincey said.

She and her dad come up with recipes - peach, strawberry, blackberry, and plain- as well as the eye-catching stand. Her mom says they had no idea it would last more than a year and stronger than ever.

“People have come out, between word of mouth, Facebook, neighborhood friends would spread the word and it has grown a lot,” Yolanda Mincey said.

Ava donates her proceeds to the local Alzheimer’s Association and has become one of their youngest but most faithful donors. Her mom says the pandemic may have stopped her from volunteering, but it could not stop her from finding a way to help.

And on the rare Saturdays where she’s not out in front of someone business in the area, she’s set up right back in her front yard.

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