GSP seeing increase in traffic for Memorial Day

BySean Evans|May 27, 2021 at 5:17 PM EDT - Updated May 27 at 5:17 PM

SAVANNAH, Ga. (WTOC) - Memorial Day weekend is almost here and Thursday is expected to be one of the busiest travel days since the pandemic started.

WTOC spoke with the assistant commander of Georgia State Patrol’s Rincon Post and he said enforcement out on the roads has been busier than expected.

He added it’s definitely busier than in recent years for this particular holiday weekend, and attributed that to pandemic fatigue and wanting to get out of the house for a road trip. WTOC asked him when they are having to pull people over what some of the more common violations are.

“Most of the things we’re stopping for on the interstate are distracted driving, following too close, people failing to maintain lanes. We’re definitely seeing a lot of speed out there. The speed limit, especially through the construction zone right now is 55 miles per hour and we’re stopping cars at 85, 90 miles per hour at times through there,” said Sgt. Joseph Curlee.

That’s an important point even when it’s not a holiday weekend, that folks need to slow down through those construction areas like at I-16 and I-95.

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Photo: Getty Images

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