Gov. Kemp extends COVID-19 executive order; bans mandating masks

Yesterday Governor Brian Kemp extended Georgia’s executive order that was set to expire on Wednesday. The new order goes into effect until July 31 at 11:59pm. The new order has changes that impact cities and counties with mask mandates in place.

The banning of cities and counties from mandating masks has been added to the order. Kemp voided orders that at least 15 local governments across the state had adopted even though Kemp had earlier said cities and counties had no power to order masks.

The governor’s decision has been met with criticism from many including Savannah Mayor Van Johnson who wrote on his Facebook,“It is officially official. Governor Kemp does not give a damn about us. It is officially every man and woman for himself/herself. Ignore the science and survive the best you can. In #Savannah, we will continue to keep the faith and follow the science. Our masks will continue to be available.”

Governor Kemp is trying to encourage voluntary mask wearing. He did so by telling fans that reduced infections from mask-wearing would make college football season possible.

The order also bans local governments from requiring masks on public property, which voids requirements that some governments have imposed for citizens to wear masks inside city and county buildings.

The governor’s coronavirus plans continue to prevent local governments from taking more restrictive or lenient steps than the state.

The order extends sheltering in place for the elderly and medically fragile.

Gatherings of 50 people are now allowed if people are at least six feet apart.

There is no longer a maximum number of people who can dine together in restaurants as one party. The order also says workers in restaurants now only need to wear face coverings when interacting with customers.

Bars can now hold up to 50 people or 35 percent of their capacity, whichever is greater.

Overnight camps can resume if campers and workers have tested negative for COVID-19 within the last 12 days.

Photo: Getty Images

Source; WTOC

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