Lyons Police believe man killed trying to light fireworks

ByDal Cannady|July 3, 2020 at 5:55 PM EDT - Updated July 3 at 5:55 PM

LYONS, Ga. (WTOC) - Police found a man dead in his yard in Lyons and believe he died from fireworks he was trying to set off late Thursday night.

The Lyons Police Department received a call early Friday morning as someone was walking in a neighborhood and saw the man laying in his front yard. They got there and found him dead.

Police are withholding his name and the address while they notify family members. But they say they found what was left of fireworks he was using late Thursday night with his daughter.

“I’m no expert on fireworks, but these were definitely not sparklers or firecrackers,” Lyons Police Chief Wesley Walker said.

The chief acknowledges some fireworks are legal in Georgia. He urges people to be cautious even when using those. Chief Walker says he knows more people will try to do their own fireworks shows this year with so many canceled. He urges people to leave those types of explosives to the experts.

Photo: WTOC

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