Peaceful protest held in Richmond Hill calling for justice for George Floyd

ByBria Bolden|June 1, 2020 at 6:35 PM EDT - Updated June 1 at 11:29 PM

RICHMOND HILL, Ga. (WTOC) - Mostly peaceful protests in Savannah Sunday, and that’s the plan for Richmond Hill residents Monday night.

Organizers who put this protest together want this to be peaceful protest.

Protesters gathered in the Richmond Hill High School parking lot then moved to the Villas of Richmond Hill and Ashton Apartments across the street.

This protest was put together by The Falcon Group and they say they wanted to organize this event to include everyone in Richmond Hill and honor the life of George Floyd.

“But the people of Richmond Hill, this has really struck a chord and people black and white. There are so many people want to say something that want to say something, want to do something to make sure that this does not happen anymore, that everyone in our country can feel that liberty and justice that is supposed to be for all," said lead organizer David T. London.

People of different races and backgrounds showed up chanting and brought signs saying “no justice, no peace” and names of other African American people who have died in police custody.

The protest began in the Richmond Hill High School parking lot and then moved on up and down Harris Street.

One protester says it's necessary to show that they care for people of all races.

”It’s also very necessary for us small towns to show our black community that we stand for them. And we will not tolerate this injustice any longer," said protester Katie Pope.

And others say they shouldn’t have to fear the police and want to see demonstrations like this continue across the country.

“It’s a good thing that Richmond Hill haven’t had any problems that we’ve been seeing in the news and that’s what this protest is for to try to go ahead and stop it in its tracks," said protester Jarrod Mikell.

“I feel like people are more concerned the destruction of property when there’s a man who lost who lost their life and plenty of other men and women who have lost their lives. So I feel like, those can be replaced but a person’s life cannot," said protester Nia Binning.

“Black, white, pink, purple everyone is recognizing that there’s a segment of our population that doesn’t feel that they are included, and we need to make sure that as Americans that everyone is included.”

Photo: Disney Malin

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