Savannah officers sign letter of workplace conflict against Chief Minter

BySean Evans|April 22, 2020 at 4:45 PM EDT - Updated April 22 at 4:45 PM

SAVANNAH, Ga. (WTOC) - Dozens of Savannah Police Department officers, some ranking as high as captains in the department, have signed a letter complaining of workplace conflicts with Chief Roy Minter at the middle of the issues.

Last Friday, Savannah Interim City Manager Pat Monahan sent an email to council letting them know an issue within the police department could become public.

According to Monahan, the Statement of Workplace Conflict was submitted and signed by 75 officers within SPD, including five captains, seven lieutenants, 17 sergeants, 16 corporals, nine APO’s, 11 officers, nine detectives and one non-sworn department employee.

According to Monahan’s email, the Statement of Workplace Conflict alleges Chief Minter has failed “ abide by the City’s Employee Standards and Leadership Principles,” citing 22 categories of conduct contrary to city policy.

Monahan told council he’s met with Chief Minter and the city’s human resources director to outline a path forward. Monahan says because of the number of employees involved, he will be asking the Human Resources Department to seek outside professional assistance for interviews/surveys to give personal accounts and examples of violations (as the process requires). Outside assistance will also help keep the inquiry objective and allow for a quicker resolution, Monahan says.

Monahan told council he’s committed to fairness for all involved in this process and added he will continue to have confidence in Chief Minter unless overwhelming evidence later suggests otherwise.

Neither the police department nor the city is providing additional statements currently.

Photo: WTOC

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