City of Savannah to celebrate completion of new home on blight property

ByZach LoganandJennifer Lifsey|September 25, 2019 at 5:43 AM EDT - Updated September 25 at 6:18 AM

SAVANNAH, Ga. (WTOC) - The city of Savannah is continuing its Savannah Shines initiative in the Edgemere-Sackville neighborhood.

On Wednesday, Sept. 25, city leaders and several other community partners, will celebrate the completion of a brand-new home.

TheSavannah Shines initiativeis focused on neighborhood revitalization. City leaders say Tuesday’s ribbon-cutting is proof of that, and there will more than likely be a lot more of these new homes to come. In fact, Savannah Mayor Eddie DeLoach says he would like to see around 100 new homes being built on the city’s blighted properties every year.

In April of 2018, city leaders gathered at a blighted property on East 55th Street to tear it down. They announced that Habitat for Humanity and several other partners would be building a new, affordable home on the property. Fast-forward to now, and it’s finally time to celebrate the completion of this new home.

The Edgemere-Sackville neighborhood has seen a number of improvements throughout the last year or so, including new signs.

“Basically, we looked at a bunch of streets and said we’re going to make a difference here. So, we installed new lighting, connected sidewalks, everything that makes a neighborhood a neighborhood,” said Mayor DeLoach.

Wednesday’s ribbon-cutting celebration is set to begin at 9 a.m.

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