On Wednesday (March 7), the fashion outlet reported that the pop titan inked a partnership with El Segundo-based TechStyle Fashion Group, which works with brands like Fabletics and Just Fab. Even though a launch date has yet to be announced, sources close to the outlet revealed that TechStyle have been working on the project for more than a year and the samples for the line have already been produced. Lloyd Greif, president and chief executive officer of Los Angeles investment bank Greif & Co, told WWD that "the Rihanna brand play would be to convince the market that the company [TechStyle] has strong growth ahead because IPOs are all about growth ahead."
Only time will tell if she can revolutionize the lingerie industry similar to how she did with the makeup scene and Fenty Beauty, which offers 40 shades of its foundation and reaches a much wider audience than competitors.
In related fashion news, Rih recently announced that she'll be merging her two brands for a joint collection called FENTYXPUMA in just about a week. For the announcement, the chart-topper shared photos of the combo collection and it features plenty of models rocking the pieces in the middle of a desert. The joint collection will be available for purchase on March 15. Peep some of the photos from the line below!